Abhyanga Snehan & Swedan
Abhyanga means application and massage of medicated oil all over the body in a specific manner. This is done only by trained masseurs.
Abhyanga (Oil Massage) & Swedana (Steam Therapy)
Abhyanga refers to the therapeutic application and massage of medicated oils across the body using a specific technique, performed exclusively by skilled therapists. Different oils are chosen based on the patient’s constitution and the season. Abhyanga is typically followed by Swedana, a steam bath, and is highly recommended in Ayurveda as a daily practice for maintaining good health. This treatment enhances skin texture and complexion, relaxes muscles, and alleviates fatigue.
Indications: Chronic fatigue, generalized body pain, muscular weakness, dry and dull skin, Vata-related disorders, and as a preparatory (Purva Karma) step in Panchakarma therapies.