Ayurvedic Relaxation Therapy

Ayurveda, an ancient Indian System of Medicine, has been in vogue from times immemorial to impart natural healing for various ailments. The system was nurtured by ancient scholars on the basis of sound underlying philosophy, oriental methodology and practices prevalent in that era. This system is believed to be quite safe and free from side effects as it is more close to nature. Ayurvedic treatment comprises of two major parts viz. Samshodhana Chikitsa (Biocleansing therapy) and Samshaman Chikitsa (Pacifying therapy). Samshaman Chikitsa consists of conservative treatment like Langhana, Pachana, drug administration etc. Samshodhana Chikitsa envisages Panchakarma treatment which is basically a Bio-cleansing regimen intended to eliminate the toxic elements from the body and thereby enhances the immunity of the body. Samshodhana Chikitsa is considered superior to Samshamana Chikitsa as the chances for recurrence of the disease so treated are remote1. s Pancakarma increases the acceptability of body to various therapeutic regimens like Rasayana (Rejuvenation) and Vajikarana (Aphrodisiac). Thus, Panchakarma therapy is believed to impart radical elimination of disease causing factors and maintain the equilibrium of Doshas.

Abhyanga (Massage)

Abhyanga can be defined as the procedure of application of Sneha Dravya over the body with mild pressure. Thus taila/ghrita/vasa etc. are rubbed over the body in directions comfortable to the patient. It improves strength and alleviates Vata. Abhyanga is a type of Bahya Snehana. It can be performed as therapeutic procedure as well as preventive procedure.

Vashpa Sweda (Steam Bath)

This is a kind of sudation by which medicated steam is applied to the patient’s body for a certain period of time to get perspiration. It removes stiffness, heaviness and coldness from the body15. For this purpose Bashpa Sweda Yantra (A steam-bath chamber) is required. Medicinal herbs /decoction is kept boiling in the Bashpa Sweda Yantra from where the steam is generated and applied all over the body or any specific part through a tube or pipe. The patient is advised to lie down inside the steam chamber after massage with warm oil (200- 220C). A thick cotton sheet may be used to cover the body to get proper perspiration.


Shirodhara is a type of Murdha taila (Application of oil to the Head/ scalp), in which prescribed medicated oil/ liquid is continuously poured over the forehead and then allowed to flow over the scalp from a specific height for a certain period of time.

Nasya (Nasal Insufflations)

Administration of medicines through nostrils is called Nasya. Nasya is indicated mainly in aggravated and accumulated Doshas of head and neck.

Akshi Tarpana

In this process, medicated ghee is retained over eyes for 15-20 minutes.


It is the process in which the oil is poured in both the ears one by one.